Water-efficient landscape needn't be barren. It could be a display of stunning colors, vibrant flowers and a diverse landscape. Using different types of plants can make your lawn more pest-resistant and water-tolerant. It can help reduce water use by 50-75%, helping you save money. These types of landscapes are also low-maintenance.
Smart landscapes include:
- Limit the use of turf to be functional only
- Use water-efficient, native and drought-tolerant plants
- Practice hydrozoning, group plants according to their water needs
- Apply water efficiently, using drip or low volume irrigation
- Use mulch to cool the soil surface and hinder evaporation
Advances in 'smart' technologies have improved the irrigation systems and components, promoting healthy and attractive landscapes by improving water efficiency. By ensuring that every hydrozone has the same water requirement, you'll be able to save water and energy. It will also reduce fertilizer and pesticide use. This will also prevent water contamination.
Smart controllers allow scheduling the amount of irrigation needed based on the type of landscape and current weather conditions, avoiding over-watering and excessive run-off. By utilizing rotating nozzles, water is applied more slowly and uniformly allowing the ground to slowly absorb. Reducing water run-off means compliance with city storm water acts.